Program Definition 5 ::
Define a class called CartesianPoint, which has two instance variables, x and y. Provide the methods getX() and getY() to return the values of the x and y values respectively, a method called move() which would take two integers as parameters and change the values of x and y respectively, a method called display() which would display the current values of x and y. Now overload the method move() to work with single parameter, which would set both x and y to the same values, Provide constructors with two parameters and overload to work with one parameter as well. Now define a class called TestCartesianPoint, with the main method to test the various methods in the CartesianPoint class.
class CartesianPoint
int x, y;
CartesianPoint(int a)
x = y = a;
CartesianPoint(int a , int b)
x = a; y = b;
protected int getX()
return x;
protected int getY()
return y;
protected void move(int a)
x = y = a;
protected void move(int a, int b)
x = a; y = b;
public void display()
System.out.println(" point(x, y) = (" + x +", " + y + ")");
class TestCartesian
public static void main(String args[])
CartesianPoint cp1 = new CartesianPoint(5,10);
CartesianPoint cp2 = new CartesianPoint(5);
System.out.println(" point1 = >> " );
System.out.println(" point2 = >> " );
System.out.print(" After cp1.move(5); point 1 =>> ");
System.out.print(" After cp2.move(6,10); point 2 =>> ");
D:\JAVA >javac
D:\JAVA >java TestCartesian
point1 = >>
point(x, y) = (5, 10)
point2 = >>
point(x, y) = (5, 5)
After cp1.move(5); point 1 =>> point(x, y) = (5, 5)
After cp2.move(6,10); point 2 =>> point(x, y) = (6, 10)