Program Definition 4 ::
Define a class called Product, each product has a name, a product code and manufacturer name. Define variables, methods and constructors, for the Product class. Write a class called TestProduct, with the main method to test the methods and constructors of the Product class.
class Product
int productCode;
String name;
String manufacturerName;
System.out.println("\n Product Class Constructor Called ");
Product( int c, String nm, String mnm )
System.out.println("\n Product Class Constructor Called ");
productCode = c; name = nm; manufacturerName = mnm;
public String getName()
return name;
public int getProductCode()
return productCode;
class Prog4
public static void main(String arg[])
Product p = new Product(1,"Laptop","Lenovo");
System.out.println("Product Code :: " + p.getProductCode() );
System.out.println("Product Name :: " + p.getName() );
System.out.println("Product Manufacturer :: " + p.manufacturerName );
D:\JAVA>java Prog4
Product Class Constructor Called
Product Code :: 1
Product Name :: Laptop
Product Manufacturer :: Lenovo