Program Definition 13 ::
The abstract Widget class has four concrete subclasses named Widget A, WidgetB, WidgetC and WidgetD. Each of these four classes has a different mass in kilograms. The mass of any WidgetA object is 4 kilograms. The masses for the WidgetB, WidgetC and WidgetD classes are 1, 5 and 17 kilograms, respectively. Each widget object has a string that identifies its color. Create six different Widgets and store them in a one-dimension array. Display the entries in the array and their total mass.
abstract class Widget
int weight;
String color;
Widget( int w , String c )
weight = w ; color = c ;
abstract public void display();
class WidgetA extends Widget
WidgetA( String c )
super( 4 , c);
public void display()
System.out.println( "Weight = " + weight + "\n color = " + color );
class WidgetB extends Widget
WidgetB( String c )
super( 1 , c );
public void display()
System.out.println( "Weight = " + weight + "\n color = " + color );
class WidgetC extends Widget
WidgetC( String c )
super( 5 , c );
public void display()
System.out.println( "Weight = " + weight + "\n color = " + color );
class WidgetD extends Widget
WidgetD( String c )
super( 17 , c );
public void display()
System.out.println( "Weight = " + weight + "\n color = " + color );
class TestWidget
public static void main( String args[] )
Widget w[] = new Widget[6];
w[ 0 ] = new WidgetA("yellow");
w[ 1 ] = new WidgetA("black");
w[ 2 ] = new WidgetB("violet");
w[ 3 ] = new WidgetC("red");
w[ 4 ] = new WidgetC("white");
w[ 5 ] = new WidgetD("blue");
int totalMass = 0;
for( Widget w1 : w)
totalMass = totalMass + w1.weight ;
System.out.println("\nTotal Mass is :: " + totalMass);
D:\JAVA >java TestWidget
Weight = 4
color = yellow
Weight = 4
color = black
Weight = 1
color = violet
Weight = 5
color = red
Weight = 5
color = white
Weight = 17
color = blue
Total Mass is :: 36