Definition of SET - 3
Account (ac_no, ac_name, act_type)Transaction (ac_no, trans_date, tran_type, tran_amount, balance)
Note: Act_type may be ‘S’ for saving or ‘C’ for current and tran_type may be ‘D’ for deposit
or ‘W’ for withdrawal
Implement the following:
- Find out those saving transactions that took place between 10th January 2011 and
20th January 2011 and have withdrawn an amount greater than Rs. 50,000. - Create a Sequence that can be used to enter new account number into the account
table. Add a new record into Account table using the created sequence.
- Create a trigger not allowing insertion, deletion or updation on Saturday and before
8:00 AM & after 6:00 PM on Account table. - Create a package for the following :
Create a function to return the current balance for a given account number.
SQL> create table account3
2 (
3 acc_no varchar2(4) primary key,
4 acc_name varchar2(10) NOT NULL,
5 acc_type varchar(1) CHECK (acc_type IN('S','C'))
6 );
Table created.
SQL> create table transaction3
2 (
3 acc_no varchar2(4) references account3(acc_no),
4 trans_date date,
5 trans_type varchar2(1) CHECK(trans_type IN('W','D')),
6 trans_amount number(5),
7 balance number(5)
8 );
Table created.
SQL> insert into account3
2 values('1','jemmy','C');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into account3
2 values('2','samy','S');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into account3
2 values('3','sammy','S');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into account3
2 values('4','jinny','C');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into account3
2 values('6','dabbu','C');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into account3
2 values('5','mikki','C');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into transaction3
2 values('1','10-MAR-2012','D',25000,35000);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into transaction3
2 values('2','10-JAN-2012','W',5000,75000);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into transaction3
2 values('3','11-MAR-2011','D',8000,75000);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into transaction3
2 values('4','07-MAR-2012','W',25000,85000);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into transaction3
2 values('5','11-JAN-2011','W',55000,85000);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into transaction3
2 values('6','16-JAN-2011','W',75000,85000);
1 row created.
SQL> select * from account3;
---- ---------- -
1 jemmy C
2 samy S
3 sammy S
4 jinny C
6 dabbu C
5 mikki C
6 rows selected.
SQL> select * from transaction3;
---- --------- - ------------ ----------
1 10-MAR-12 D 25000 35000
2 10-JAN-12 W 5000 75000
3 11-MAR-11 D 8000 75000
4 07-MAR-12 W 25000 85000
5 11-JAN-11 W 55000 85000
6 16-JAN-11 W 75000 85000
6 rows selected.
A. [1] Find out those saving transactions that took place between 10th January 2011 and
20th January 2011 and have withdrawn an amount greater than Rs. 50,000.
SQL> select * from transaction3 where trans_date between '10-JAN-2011' and '20-JAN-2011' and trans_amount>50000;
---- --------- - ------------ ----------
5 11-JAN-11 W 55000 85000
6 16-JAN-11 W 75000 85000
A. [2] Create a Sequence that can be used to enter new account number into the account
table. Add a new record into Account table using the created sequence.
SQL> create sequence accnum increment by 1 start with 1 maxvalue 999;
Sequence created.
B. [1] Create a trigger not allowing insertion, deletion or updation on Saturday and before
8:00 AM & after 6:00 PM on Account table.
SQL> create or replace trigger trigger3
2 BEFORE insert or delete or update
3 ON account3
4 for each row
8 if to_char(sysdate, 'day') = 'saturday' then
9 RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'operation not possible today');
10 elsif to_char(sysdate,'hh24') between 8 and 18 then
12 RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20002,'operation not possible before 8am or after 6pm');
14 end if;
15 END;
17 /
Trigger created.
B. [2] Create a package for the following :
Create a function to return the current balance for a given account number.
SQL> create or replace package pkg3 is*due to small space , output is messed up
2 function fn3(num number) return number;
3 procedure pc3;
4 end pkg3;
5 /
Package created.
SQL> create or replace package body pkg3 is
2 function fn3(num number) return number is
3 bal number(5);
4 begin
5 select distinct(balance) into bal from transaction3 where acc_no=num;
6 return bal;
7 end;
8 procedure pc3 is
9 nnum number(3);
10 bal number(5);
11 begin
12 nnum:=&nnum;
13 bal:=fn3(nnum);
14 dbms_output.put_line('current balance is '||to_char(bal));
15 end;
16 end pkg3;
17 /
Enter value for nnum: 1
old 12: nnum:=&nnum;
new 12: nnum:=1;
Package body created.
SQL> execute pkg3.pc3;
current balance is 35000
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
*this program is only for reference purpose, actual logic may differ from programmer to programmer