Friday, 29 June 2012


Definition of SET - 14

Patient (Patient_code, Patient_name, Address, City, DOB, Gender)

Implement the following:
  1. Create a Sequence that can be used to enter new Patient code into the Patient table.
    Add a new record into Patient table using the created sequence using the format
  2. Find those patients who do not belong to ‘Ahmedabad’ or ‘Mehsana’ city. (Use set
  1. Create a PL/SQL block to generate the following report:
    Gender (Patients in Age group)

                1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100   Total


SQL> create table patient14
  2  (
  3   patient_code varchar2(10) primary key,
  4   patient_name varchar2(20),
  5   address varchar2(20),
  6   city varchar2(10),
  7   DOB date,
  8   gender varchar2(1)
  9  );

Table created.


 *create sequence first ,see A[1] query,  then insert data by using sequence
SQL> insert into patient14
  2  values('PT'||to_char(sq14.nextval),'jasmin','14, red bunglow','kalol','12-FEB-88','M');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into patient14
  2  values('PT'||to_char(sq14.nextval),'jas','14, red bunglow','kalol','13-MAR-88','F');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into patient14
  2  values('PT'||to_char(sq14.nextval),'jasica','14, White hous','mehsana','13-MAR-88','F');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into patient14
  2  values('PT'||to_char(sq14.nextval),'jonny','14, red
  3  bunglow','ahmedabad','13-MAR-88','M');

1 row created.


SQL> select * from patient14;

PATIENT_CO PATIENT_NAME         ADDRESS              CITY       DOB       G
---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------- -
PT1001     jasmin               14, red bunglow      kalol      12-FEB-88 M
PT1002     jas                  14, red bunglow      kalol      13-MAR-88 F
PT1021     jasica               14, White hous       mehsana    13-MAR-88 F
PT1022     jonny                14, red              ahmedabad  13-MAR-88 M

A. [1]    Create a Sequence that can be used to enter new Patient code into the Patient table.
Add a new record into Patient table using the created sequence using the format

SQL> create sequence sq14
  3  START WITH 1001
  4  MAXVALUE 9999

Sequence created.

A. [2]    Find those patients who do not belong to ‘Ahmedabad’ or ‘Mehsana’ city. (Use set

*due to small space , output is messed up

SQL> select * from patient14
  2  MINUS
  3  select * from patient14 where city IN ('ahmedabad','mehsana');

PATIENT_CO PATIENT_NAME         ADDRESS              CITY       DOB       G
---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------- -
PT1001     jasmin               14, red bunglow      kalol      12-FEB-88 M
PT1002     jas                  14, red bunglow      kalol      13-MAR-88 F

B. [1]     Create a PL/SQL block to generate the following report:
Gender (Patients in Age group)

SQL> declare
  2      cursor c14 is select dob,gender from patient14;
  4      age number(10):=0;
  5      d number(10):=0;
  6      s number(10):=0;
  8      mott number(10):=0;
  9      mttf number(10):=0;
 10      mfts number(10):=0;
 11      mste number(10):=0;
 12      meth number(10):=0;
 14      fott number(10):=0;
 15      fttf number(10):=0;
 16      ffts number(10):=0;
 17      fste number(10):=0;
 18      feth number(10):=0;
 20      mtotal number(10):=0;
 21      ftotal number(10):=0;
 23      tott number(10):=0;
 24      tttf number(10):=0;
 25      tfts number(10):=0;
 26      tste number(10):=0;
 27      teth number(10):=0;
 28      total number(10):=0;
 30  begin
 32   for c in c14
 33   LOOP
 35          d:=to_char(c.dob,'yyyy');
 36          s:=to_char(sysdate,'yyyy');
 37          age:=s-d;
 39          if c.gender='M' then
 40              if age >0 and age<21 then
 41                  mott:=mott+1;
 42              elsif age>20 and age<41 then
 43                  mttf:=mttf+1;
 44              elsif age>40 and age<61 then
 45                  mfts:=mfts+1;
 46              elsif age>60 and age<81 then
 47                  mste:=mste+1;
 48              elsif age>80 and age<101 then
 49                  meth:=meth+1;
 50              end if;
 51          end if;
 53          if c.gender='F' then
 54              if age >0 and age<21 then
 55                  fott:=fott+1;
 56              elsif age>20 and age<41 then
 57                  fttf:=fttf+1;
 58              elsif age>40 and age<61 then
 59                  ffts:=ffts+1;
 60              elsif age>60 and age<81 then
 61                  fste:=fste+1;
 62              elsif age>80 and age<101 then
 63                  feth:=feth+1;
 64              end if;
 65          end if;
 67          mtotal:=mott+mttf+mfts+mste+meth;
 68          ftotal:=fott+fttf+ffts+fste+feth;
 70          tott:=mott+fott;
 71          tttf:=mttf+fttf;
 72          tfts:=mfts+ffts;
 73          tste:=mste+fste;
 74          teth:=meth+feth;
 75          total:=mtotal+ftotal;
 77      end loop;
 79      dbms_output.put_line('    '||'1-20'||'  '||'21-40'||'  '||'41-60'||'  '||'61-80'||'   '||'81-100'||'  '||'total');
 80      dbms_output.put_line('------------------------------------------------------------------------');
 81      dbms_output.put_line('male'||'  '||mott ||'  '||mttf||'  '||mfts||'  '||mste||'  '||meth||'  '||mtotal);
 83      dbms_output.put_line('------------------------------------------------------------------------');
 85      dbms_output.put_line('female'||'  '||fott||'  '||fttf||'  '||ffts||'  '||fste||'  '||feth||'          '||ftotal);
 87      dbms_output.put_line('------------------------------------------------------------------------');
 89      dbms_output.put_line('total'||'  '||tott||'  '||tttf||'  '||tfts||'  '||tste||'  '||teth||'  '||total);
 90      commit;
 91  end;
 93  /

1-20  21-40  41-60  61-80   81-100  total
male  0  2  0  0  0  2
female  0  2  0  0  0          2
total  0  4  0  0  0  4

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

*this program is only for reference purpose, actual logic may differ from programmer to programmer

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